
A warm welcome awaits you at St Mary's & St George's

Want to know more?

Here's Rev Armstrong's video blog 'The Ezra File' on issues he doesn't always get chance to discuss during his sermon's. Please take a look.

 The Food Bank at St Mary's Wombwell, which is a spoke for the Barnsley Foodbank is available for anyone who has been referred on Monday's between 9.45 am and 11.00 am.  Eventually we would like to run this alongside a Community Cafe.

You can make condations to the Barnsley Foodbank by placing them in the Grub Tub just inside the church door.  Currently the Foodbank is most urgently needing tinned potatoes and packet mash, toiletries (soap, shampoo and shower gel, size 6 nappies, gravy granules and UHT milk.

Cornerstone Cafe

Our Monday Cafe is  now up and running.  It provides a chance to chat, have a drink and someting to eat.  Please could you pray that God would upe this to draw people to Himself; please do come along and bring a friend, and if you can't come, let someone else know about it.

Open Doors

Is an organisation that serves Christians who are persecuted for their faith.  Their work started by Brother Andrew (you may have read his story in the book God's Smuggler).

Find out more about them at Opendoors

Family Services

We have breakfast before our Family Services at St Mary's from 9.15 am - everyone is welcome.  Typically this will often include a bacon or sausage sandwich and we also offer fresh fruit too

At St George's there is an outdoor cafe before the Family Service starting at 4.30pm

Eveyone is welcome

South Yorkshire Chaplaincy & Listening (SYCLS)Volunteer Chaplains Needed!

Why not join in the Mission to support and Serve Communities across South Yorkshire.

Are you available to volunteer on a weekly fortnightly or Monthly Basis - if so, the SYCLS Organisation is recruiting South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Chaplains, School Staff Chaplains and Hospice Chaplains.  Full training is given and ordination is not necessary.  Want to get involved then contact or call 07903 89751 for further details


Wellbeing Walks are Free, Regular, Friendly, Easy Terrain, Steady Pace, Sociable and led by a trained volunteer - Everyone is welcome.

Every Monday 10am - 11am - AGE UK Wombwell Social Wellbeing Walk-Meet outside Kae’s Sandwich Bar

Every Monday 12pm -1.30pm - Manvers Lake Waterfront Wellbeing Walk - meet at the RSPB Courtyard -  Why not have a go at both!!

Every Wednesday 10.30am - 12pm - Wombwell Circuit Wellbeing Walk—meet at the top of Summer Lane Car Park




Meal with Mark

Our next Meal with Mark where we explore Jesus through the gospel of Mark will be held on Wednesday 26th June, 2024 at Wombwell Rectory - Everyone is welcome.

Please pray.....

    Pray for peace in the war torn areas of the world.  Pray particularly for Russia and the Ukraine and for Israel and Gaza that a peaceful solution might be found to these conflicts.


    Pray for those who are struggling to cope both financially, emotionally and mentally during the cost of living crisis.  Pray particularly for those who are losing their jobs or who have lost their jobs recently and for whom the Christmas period will be very difficult.  We particularly think of the employees of Safestyle UK which has recently gone into administration.


    Continue to pray for the St Mary’s Chancel Improvement Scheme and for the successful outcome of the fundraising scheme.  Pray that this will enable St Marys to become much more fuel efficient, cut our carbon footprint and help with the sustainability of what we do as a church.


    Pray for those who are facing an undertain future through no fault of their own and for those who are particulalry suffering as a result of the financial crisis.. Pray that they may find a way forward out of their troubles.

    General Data Protection Regulations

    The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will take effect in the UK from 25 May 2018. It replaces the existing law on data protection (the Data Protection Act 1998) and gives individuals more rights and protection in how their personal data is used by organisations. Parishes must comply with its requirements, just like any other charity or organisation.

    We have sought the advice of the Diocese of Sheffield and the PCC of Wombwell Parish has agreed and approved its approach to GDPA.  If you wish to view our Data Privacy Notice, please click here